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Bigfoot Culture – From The ‘Rising Wind’ Book Series: Rock My Soul. Part 2 of 4. More Sightings of Bigfoot by Family & Friends.

A strong pattern of observation as a prelude to interaction with lots of help from Mateo Arguello, Glenn Norberg, and my cousin, Heidi… I hope you enjoyed reading Part One of this informative information on the sightings and research by my friends and family.

We know there have been many reports about this willy beast in many states like Washington, California, and Oregon forests. And in many other states in America and around the world. Could Bigfoots still be reproducing and growing families we don’t know about? Well, it could be possible and explain the many sightings. So let’s dive into part two and see what else Mateo and others have to say, shall we!

~Author Diane Olsen writer of the Award-Winning Series Rising Wind.

Available Now on Amazon

Part Two of Four – Bigfoot Culture – Mateo’s First Interactive Exposure.

“Around 11 p.m. my girlfriend Kaitlyn and I heard something moving through the brush across the road from where we were sitting on a picnic table in South Cheyenne Canyon. There was more than one sound signature, a group of something was moving and making crunching noises in the bushes. Kaitlyn asked, ‘Do you hear that? What is it?’

“I easily dismissed the sounds and told her they were deer. I was familiar with the area and pretty confident that I knew what was going on. We had a huge population of “mulies” right up against our bustling city. She was frustrated because for her this pattern had been building up for days. For me, this was the first occasion, and I insisted that I heard noises like this all the time and it had always ended up just being deer. I was willing to let it go, but obviously, it was bothering her.

“An hour later, we were still sitting in the dark on the picnic table chatting when I realized the sound signatures of the group of things that were moving through the deep brush and wooded area across the street had never stopped, they had continued for an hour and a half. Now I became curious, what was going on? There was a deer trail back in there, which is why I first assumed they were deer. But deer wouldn’t chill, making noises in the brush. It was a dangerous place for them. They could get ambushed, right? They would simply pass through.

“I wanted to know what or who this was so I went across the road to investigate. I wasn’t planning to go into the brush, just walk along the pavement and try to figure out the source of the noise. Kaitlyn had bad feelings, like something strange was up. She didn’t want me to leave, and her intuition turned out to be right – something was off.

“Looking back, I can remember several times that women picked up on the ‘Sasquatch vibe’ way before I did. I listen better now – I think. Before that, if I heard something fall near me, I’d dismiss it as the wind or an acorn dropping. All whistles sounded like human whistles, and the woos was almost imperceptibly quiet. It took several exposures before I learned to hear them. It was so easy to miss the signals because they weren’t for me – their signals were for each other.

“Equipped only with my I-phone flashlight because I had no weapon, I went anyway not expecting trouble. I closed in on the first of what I thought were three separate creature signatures maybe fifteen to twenty feet off the road. But the brush was too thick to see anything. When I stood directly in front of the spot where the first sound was generated, I heard the creature making noise. Then as I stepped toward it, it froze but I still couldn’t see anything. It dawned on me that this wasn’t a small animal, a deer, or any predator I was used to because they would have turned and run away by now.

“There had been three distinct signatures, maybe three to five meters apart. The other two creatures were still making noise so I continued to walk down the road about twenty feet to the second spot to see what or whoever was in there, but it also stopped making noise. I heard something hit the ground behind me. When I twisted around, I saw a small rock bouncing on the ground. I brought my eyes up to look across the street and noticed Kaitlyn was getting into her car.

Sightings in Ill.

I thought, okay maybe she threw it at me as a sign. Then I realized that she was too far away to toss a small pebble like that, maybe a bigger rock with some weight behind it, but not a little pebble. I brushed it off and walked over to the third signature – and it stopped making noise too. It didn’t leave, or panic, it stayed right in front of me – unseen.

I couldn’t figure out what was going on, so I thought whatever, and turned to start walking back toward the picnic table. After three or four steps I saw a little pebble come out of the brush and hit right in front of me. I actually saw it come out of the brush and smack the pavement; it even bounced a little bit. I thought, okay those aren’t deer. It wasn’t Kaitlyn, what is going on? No animal I knew could throw in that way.

At this point, I don’t know if I contemplated it was Sasquatches, but I was becoming suspicious about the behaviors, and the only other possibility was that it must have been people, but I couldn’t think of anybody who would be willing to spend an hour and a half hiding just to prank someone by making little noises in the woods – much less three people being so patient. I was perplexed by such unusual behavior. Even I, a born prankster, wouldn’t have done that. 

“Deciding to be on the safe side, I went over to see Kaitlyn and ask her if she threw a rock – even though I saw the last one come directly out of the brush. I was in denial and I needed to think critically, it was my defense mechanism because the situation was too weird for me to take in. In my worldview, these had to be people, even though they had an unusual amount of persistence, and the way they were trying to scare us was very odd. Realistically, what else could it be?

“When I explained this to Kaitlyn, she thought I was trying to mess with her. In frustration, she said, ‘Are you serious?’ She was freaking out thinking something had been trying to get our attention. When we spoke about this night years later, she said that wasn’t the only time pebbles had been thrown at us. The same thing had happened on several occasions. Little rocks would hit and drop around us and our vehicles. So, it bothered her when I ignored the obvious signs. Somebody had been trying to get our attention for several weeks.

“Now, I was intrigued. I was going in to find out who this was, thinking it must be teenagers messing with us since that was what I had done up there when I was a teen – scaring other kids who were drunk or high, and I had gotten a kick out of it. Ironically that might have been what brought in the real ‘monsters,’ me pretending to be one.

“I’ll explain, I knew the area well. I’d hiked and run all over that place since high school. Besides, I’d been through the Marine Corps and had a lot of strategic experience. I knew there was a ‘social trail’ that went up to the mesa that was nestled between the North and South Cheyenne canyons, and it came very near to our current location. From the social trail, I would take the deer trail which ran alongside the road, only thirty feet away from where our cars were parked.

“My girlfriend didn’t want me to go but I insisted, so she said, ‘Fine, I’m not staying here. I’m going with you.’

“Because this was not a secluded area in the deep forest, I assured her there had to be people. We were on the edge of a big city and there were tons of visitors and hikers around day and night particularly when it was warm. People were everywhere, especially in the summertime.

“All we had was the lights on our phones and they couldn’t penetrate the brush very far. We walked cautiously along the trail to a little berm where the noises and throws came from, directly across from our cars. I didn’t see anything but felt no urge to go in deeper. I felt vulnerable because the things I’d expected to find weren’t adding up.

There was no evidence of people in those places where I thought they would be. If they had moved or run, I would have heard them moving away in the brush, and there were no other manufactured light sources. We did find smaller marked trails in the brush that crisscrossed the normal human and deer paths. These weren’t for large individuals, maybe the size a teen would make. Once again, I couldn’t explain the situation, so I decided to dismiss it. ‘Alright let’s just head back. I can’t see anything.’

“I returned to the paved road all the while denying the pebbles and other incidents when we heard people come and park in a nearby picnic site, located a little farther up the hill, and on the other side of the creek. So, what came to mind at that moment? I wanted to prank them. To scare them away for laughs. It was fun, what can I say?

“I started making loud scary screams, yells, and other noises. My efforts had the desired effect and they all ran to their vehicles, slammed their car doors, and bugged out. At some point, Kaitlyn must have thought I was nuts.

“After five minutes of being impressed with myself, we started to walk across the pavement toward our cars, and when we were only thirty feet from the spot the noises and pebbles had come from fifteen minutes before – suddenly, all hell broke loose! The brush became an explosion of action and noise! We heard crashing and banging, large sticks and huge rocks were thrown all around us. When the Scrub oak had started to tremble and shake, I knew these weren’t humans. Normally these trees don’t get very big – but these were especially large, maybe five inches in diameter – they’d been around for a long time.

“My whole world of denial was shattered that night. These beings were unmistakably Sasquatches. This knowledge affected me worse than war, which was also a shattering experience – but not like this – at least in war I knew my enemy.

“Then, it got worse. They had waited to rush us until we were on the road heading back to the vehicles, then we heard the bluff charge. Something sounding like a freight train came right behind us – just like in ‘Jurassic Park.’ The rush of the charge tore through the shuddering oaks and came right up to the edge of the road – within inches of us. We stared ahead, like deer headlights – too afraid to look.

Bigfoot casts for “Seven” Sighting in Marion
North Carolina

“These massive individuals had rushed right up to us – so fast! Everything became chaotic; they could have been on top of us in seconds, yet they stopped. It was clear even at that moment that they weren’t trying to hit us, but they certainly managed to terrify us. Some of them were moving around in the tall scrub oaks, rattling them menacingly – a very clear sign for us to ‘get the heck out.’

“This time I wasn’t going to stick around to confirm their identity. Now I believed Sasquatches were very real, and a group of them, adults and younger ones, had been only a couple of branches away from our faces. Right in front of us. It was very clear that they were not happy and wanted us to leave – immediately. So chaotic!

“I felt my life was in danger. We raced for the cars, scared for our lives. If my nerves had allowed it, I could have possibly looked up into the Sasquatches’ eyes. but at that moment the thought was simply too frightening. Instead, I quickly escorted Kaitlyn to her car, saying, ‘Meet me at the gas station on Eighth Street.’ Then I jumped into my Honda Civic and we got out of there as fast as we could. I actually tried to put the lights of the Honda on them but the beams were set too low to see them.

“We met up at the gas station and I had her repeat everything that happened. I told what I had experienced. We weren’t crazy. It was all there, we’d both witnessed, felt, and experienced the exact same events. I didn’t want to believe there were monstrous hominids in my backyard – because that changed everything. Until that night I’d felt comfortable in this part of the mountains. I used to feel safe moving around in the brush, on the trails, hiking, and running around at night. Now I felt that assurance of safety and control had been taken from me.

“Kaitlyn and I drove back the following day and again parked across the road from our encounter which had banished my denial for good. We wanted to see if there was any physical confirmation of what we’d experienced and we found copious evidence of the destruction. 

Signs of the aftermath were everywhere. The adult Sasquatches broke several trees and they snapped off many branches to be pitched at us. Other limbs were broken when their rushing bodies crashed down a path to chase us away. We didn’t find the specific rocks they threw because it was a rocky area, but such a destructive force was let loose!

“Unimaginably large foot impressions were crushed into the leaf carpeted earth right up to the pavement. One print measured sixteen inches; another was eighteen inches in length. These were not the juveniles from before, these protectors were huge! I tried to step into the leaf litter which concealed the red soil with my boots to recreate the deep impressions which were mind-boggling. I couldn’t even make a dent. The thick topping of leaves wouldn’t stay down even when I continued to jump in the soil right beside the huge impressions, I didn’t have the weight or strength.

I’d smash my boots into the ground to make my prints stay – the leaves would crinkle but then they would crinkle back up. I said, ‘Wow this must have been something big and heavy.’ The tiny little suggestion in my head that we’d gotten hoaxed, ran away screaming. There was no alternative explanation for the conclusion we drew when things went crazy the previous night. And with that, the hoax idea was finally obliterated.

“We came back again the very next night and I brought chem-lights or glow sticks which were less powerful than phone flashlights but we also used headlamps which were brighter to do some tests. My mind couldn’t eradicate the events, so I needed to control them with experiments. Kaitlyn couldn’t see me twenty to twenty-five feet inside the brush with her phone light and headlamp. With the glow sticks I could see only five feet in, or maybe fifteen feet at certain angles, but nothing beyond that because the shrubbery was too dense. I’d like to reach out to her again now, for more of an interview.

“All at once, I realized that all the weird stuff I’d seen, or events I’d heard about in the canyon and up at Seven Falls over the years was true. The accounts my friends had given about creatures they’d encountered at night were valid. Before this experience I disregarded such stories, deciding those people were either mentally unstable or had experienced something paranormal in nature.

I never thought it was actually something alive and physically operating in the vicinity where I lived and worked. Then I remembered finding weird deer kills that I couldn’t explain along the side of the road. Some people said it was the work of Satanists. I didn’t agree, but I had no other explanation at the time.

“It occurs to me now, that they were probably watching us do our reconnaissance – the whole time. In retrospect, I realize that my actions elicited the adult Sasquatches’ response. I went in there screaming, outranking this group. I think they reacted to my aggressive behavior. I feel pretty confident about that now.

A North Carolina Man Captures Video of
Bigfoot While Walking His Dog.

“When introducing yourself to any new culture you don’t want to approach someone in a bold scary manner. You should be gentler, more patient – not tense, on guard, or too eager – They might let you know they are interested if you are placid. Wait for them to come to you. But that’s not likely to happen if you’re scared.

“We must consider that we are very dangerous. They have to be gentle – careful when approaching us too. It’s a two-way street no matter what species you’re dealing with. Humans need to be more tactful in their approaches – to build that rapport. That’s how Sasquatch approaches us and that’s how we need to approach them.

“Even their pebble throws are a gentle sign of inquiry – a kind of experiment to get your attention and let you know they’re there waiting to see what you do next. Sometimes the intensity increases if they don’t get a reaction.

“Pebble throwing is a universal primate behavior. It’s like when a boy throws a pebble at a girl’s window. We do it, they do it, gorillas and chimps do it to get someone’s attention. They want you to know they’re interested in interacting with you. It’s a behavior to protect themselves yet let you know they are interested without freaking you out. If they came right out and said, ‘Hey what’s up, my name’s Bob,’ we’d be terrified, that’s just too aggressive.

This group in the canyon has been around so long that they’ve built up an understanding – a way to interact in an effective manner. They know how to open up communication channels with those of us who are perceptive. At first glance, I didn’t understand this behavior. It took me years to realize this wasn’t aggression, I was making it too complex. The more simple, obvious answer was the right one.”

A strong pattern of observations as a prelude to interaction!

I hope you enjoy reading more of this amazing research and the stories of my friends. Part three will be coming up very soon, so until next time! ~ Diane

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Mateo’s video links for some of the incidents can be found here.

“Thank God, it never looked back at me” Video: https://youtu.be/XCatOc5jDKw

“Snow white sasquatch encounter”https://youtu.be/1yfGfLsQkWU

Beaver creek sas p1https://youtu.be/seXyWmV7cLc

P2: https://youtu.be/5B74cSB4Uf0


Abraham, Christ, and Mohammad


“Ah, the beautiful snow is now pocked with shrubbery trying to peek through to the light. This is not unlike those of us who also are drawn to the light for spiritual reasons. That includes everything from switching on the light to lighting the planet with sustainable clean power. We desire light in our daily habits and we crave spiritual light, it is warm, welcoming, loving, like the lap of a parent to a cuddly child.”


If you have read the Quran or the Bible you know a bit about Abraham. He was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac, to prove his dedication to the One God.

If it was God’s will, he must do it. Abraham spoke to Isaac, who was also wise and dedicated to the Source of his being. Isaac calmly told his father that if Allah (God) had made the request, they must obey. “Sacrifice me. Do not fear: With the help of God. I shall be brave.”

As Abraham(Ibrahim) prepared to kill his son, He heard a voice. “You have shown your good intentions. This is sufficient. You have already fulfilled My will.”

Isaac began the lineage of the Christians, both spiritually and physically. You may also know that later Abraham’s second son Ishmael, built the Ka’ba in Mecca, to the One God Almighty, toward which all Muslims all over the world now pray.

If you are up on your Abrahamic literature, you understand that Ibrahim (Abraham) is related to all the great Messengers of God, not only as a bearer of the Holy Spirit and a new piece of Revelation but by blood as well, through His three wives.

Abraham (Ibrahim) Isaac and Christ; Ishmael and Mohammad serve to prove to humankind that the two largest Faith’s in the world today are grounded in a common root, God Almighty. This is a very overt sign that we are meant to be unified. Meant to share with and love one another without further question!




So, what happened?


   Alas, as is the way of humans, we have added, against the will of our Prophets, rubbish to both Faiths as they were revealed, and meant to be.

Worst of all, leaders of both groups have at times lied that the “other group” is a dangerous enemy. Dangerous to the whole world.

And truly individuals who claim both Faiths have indeed become dangerous to the world. Greedy, power hungry kings, imams, and priests. They have led the gullible, the loyal and uneducated down the path of hatred and divisiveness – in the name of Allah/God (English translation); for purposes of wealth or personal recognition or power. You can’t seem like a hero if you don’t have a “horrible” enemy.

People! Read the Word of God as revealed by Rama, Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, The Bab, and or Baha’u’llah. Read an honest edition, without excessive “translations” or “adjustments” or “modernizing”. Lies have been added. Use your heart to find the original Word! It is then you will know if the leaders of your churches, your synagogues, and your temples are sticking to the Revelation, or deceiving you with ugliness!


Abrahm or Abraham Father of the Universal Faiths

Abraham came from the lineage of Noah through Shem. He was born around 4000 years ago in the city of Ur, and along the lower Euphrates River in Mesopotamia. He saw the workings of the Creator in the stars, moon and the sun, as signs of God. But He came to realize they were just physical objects. They weren’t much different, in reality than the idols worshiped by His father Terah who was a follower of the now decadent Brahmanic Faith of Sri Krishna. Terah had named his son Abraham which meant “from Brahma”, but he and his people were worshipping idols.



    This is not surprising as each Manifestation of God’s Will is born from the proceeding spiritual tradition, and through him (or her) comes the new Revelation and a regeneration of the same Ancient Faith.

Abraham is the acknowledged father of all of the newer existing revealed religions, such as Judaism, Islam, the Babi, and the Baha’i Faiths.

When He was young. Abraham lived among people who refused to worship One God. They prayed to idols they brought with them from India. He asked His father if he thought these idols were gods. He said he did. Ibrahim then told His father Terah that if he did; he and his people were wrong.

This did not sit well because the priests of the area were wealthy, powerful and demanded respect. Our fathers worshiped them Terah told Him. Young Abraham retorted that Terah and his fathers had been wrong. When the people were gone one day. He broke all their idols and images to pieces, except for the very biggest one, which was thought to speak and listen.



When the villagers returned, they were very angry and remembering His admonitions about idolatry, they sought out Abraham. When they found Him, they asked if he did this to their gods. He answered that it was the biggest idol. “Why don’t you ask him? He can tell you.” Some were ashamed as they admitted the statue could not really speak. So, Abraham asked them why they worshiped these things, that can do no actual good. Angrier than ever, the people pitched Him into a fire to burn!

God cooled the flames and Abraham escaped any permanent damage. If they could see it, they would know God could actually do something good.

Disgusted, He left Nimrud and the rest of the idolaters, and by the grace of God fled to another country where he raised up a great nation.

The Pagan followers of Mithraic Faith derived from followers of the distant Pre-Flood Prophets were also idol worshippers as the memory faded of the old revelations. They became forgetful of the One loving Creator, so they rejected Abraham and His blessed teachings because they were afraid of losing their familiar idols and powerful priesthood. They also did not like the thought of treating the miserable and poor with justice and kindliness. It is hard for people to see the Phoenix rise from the ashes they have created.

(Sources of quotes and stories: Quran chapters 29:27, 6:74-86, and 6)

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Author, Diane Olsen


5 Posts

Congratulations on writing 5 posts on All B One ~ “Intertwining Spirits a Soul at a Time”!

Hello, Bloggers and Readers! My First Real Blog Post ~ Author, Diane Olsen



My New Book!


The Roots of Religion

“Who was the first great Prophet? When was religion born? Did God speak to primitive forms of humans? Are all revealed religions really one long chain? If you’ve ever wondered any of these things, you will enjoy Ancient Ways.”

It is a beautiful winter’s day here in the Pacific Northwest. Similar to the ones I knew in my early years back in the mountains of Colorado. Lots of snow, the wind, and subzero temperatures.

My grandson AJ is beside me listening to “Sounds of Silence” by disturbed. It is his favorite song, as it was for me back in the ‘60s. His little brother Asher just came into the room and gave me a sweet hug for no particular reason. That made it all the sweeter.

So, it is a perfect day for musing. My mind turns to the direction of humanity and God. I know I’ve asked before – how far back in human development does religion reach?



Many would say that animism, ancestor worship, magic and ritual came first. Then rather recently, belief in one God arose; some would say with Moses or Christ. That sort of thinking was taught to me in my Anthropology training.

But now I think that is the opposite of what happened. I believe that even the very first representatives of Humankind knew a supreme God. Then, over time they added things to the Creator, just as we do today.

I would make a case that Revelation and ritual are opposite ends of a long spectrum – but the opposite of the way my teachers might believe.

Let’s look at Christianity as a sample, though any religion may be used. At first, there was the Bearer of God’s Word. Then there were Apostles and early believers, as well as great enemies. The Apostles spread the Word as revealed by Christ, and told the stories of His teachings. Later it became the state religion and eventually circled the globe. But now it has changed vastly from what it originally was.




There are monasteries, nunneries, temples, churches and missions. There are big investments in real estate, stocks, and TV ministries which accept money. There are dozens of saints, priests, ministers, reverends, and pastors who perform masses, funerals, baptisms, and other rituals.

Christianity, like Hinduism, Judaism, even Buddhism are massive. They run the gamut from God’s Word given to mankind – to plastic and paper charms and trinkets.

Only a tiny portion is the actual teachings which came from the Bearer of the Word of God.

Could we not turn anthropology on its collective ear, and make a case that myth and legend tend to replace religion over time. That humanity has done this time and again. That Revelation and ritual are part of a great process. Not separate independent accidents.

What are your thoughts? Until next time,

Author/Writer, Diane Olsen

( Learn more about my book: Ancient Ways By Diane Olsen Website )


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